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optimal settings for using your own profile with colormunki on pixma pro 1 can u help!!!


hello everyone: 

i'm struggling with couple things:


1) when using color munki & printing out a optimisation chart for a fine art paper  i have to set the settings to fine art 30 or 35 and optimisation chart sometimes misses bit on end. if i shrink to fit it works but i am having issues with the fine art paper margins- the print is not sitting in the middle of the final outputted sheet for example---- can anyone advise here


2) canvas prints even though profiled look bland and nothing like the b9180 pro printer canvas i did


3) can someone recommend the settings i need from start to finish ie what printer paper colour calibration settings i need to avoid duplicate colour issues etc for my pro 1 particularly in the printer settings?


4)when i used colour tool pro on pro 1 i could scan charts with colormunki but it would not let printer accept them when i sent them to printer- this is for calibration of printer not making a profile...



these are complex questions canon helpline not always helping me so posting on forum .


thankyou so much 
