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Errors in first in first out printing with large print queues on Canon iRA 8505i


We have been running into error with first in first out printing when printing document sets in excess of 120 files. Most often this error occures when printing raw tiff and jpeg images from LexisNexis LAW particularly when also producing metadata slip sheets.


Steps taken to trouble shoot:

  • disabled "print spooled documents first"
  • enabled spooling with "print after last page has spooled"
  • enabled spooling at host
  • using a winprint processor and RAW as our image format
  • increased the bidirectional communication timeout for the RAW print settings


We would appreciate input from anyone also experiencing similar problems and how they have resolved them. 





Hi, docsdsc!

Thanks for posting! While our forum community members are welcome to chime in, Canon does not provide direct support for imageRUNNER series products. Instead, your dealer will be able to help you! If you don't have a dealer and you're in the United States, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) and we will be happy to provide you with the names of dealers in your area.

If you're outside the USA, visit and choose your country or region from the map for local support.

We hope this helps!
