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Change document feed direction


Hi -

I am printing from a 5035. I have a document (portrait 5.5 x 7.5) that is perforated in the middle. When I try to feed the document through the MF tray the perforation causes the document to jam. The document is fed through at the 5.5 edge. For the life of me I have tried to change the direction of the text and reverse the sizes of each side so I could feed the document through the feeder at the 7.5 edge and have failed. I can't get the text to follow suit. When fed through the MF tray on the longer edge the document does not get stuck so this is a plus. I just can't get the text to print on the two separate sides in the correct direction at this point. Think of trying to print two business cards separated by a perforation on one sheet. I just want to switch the way I have to feed that sheet but still get the document to print the same.


If I could get the original document to print as is but feed it on the 7.5 edge, that would help. I tried changing the binding edge (I thought that might help) but no joy there. On top of this issue, the print comes out a bit crooked. We already had the technician out to fix this alignment issue. It is still off by a millimeter. I know I know….a millimeter. On a larger document it is barely noticeable but the smaller the document, the more noticeably crooked the printing seems. If anyone could offer suggestions that would be great. Thanks in advance.
