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How to automatically save to PDF book after scanning, with the MX360 All In One Printer

Report Post       Today, 02:47 AM
Is there a way with the Canon mx360 All in One Printer, that I can do these steps in this order...

-scan multiple hard copy documents at once from the printer
-automatically make a PDF book from these documents and have the software application automatically give that PDF book a name, and save that book in my c:\ drive?

I have 100 PDF books to make and its taking up too much time of my time, to name each PDF document after it is manually scanned, and then book them together in a PDF book. I'm hoping that my MX360 printer can help me out with this problem and reduce my time in this process.

If there is an additional software application I need to get in order to do all these, please let me know. I just need a way to automatically save my PDF documents after they are scanned from this printer. If it can't save as a pdf book automatically, I need to know that too and find out other ways that will get me closer to my goal. Besides the administrators reading this post, if anyone in this community have any good tips or tricks for me in my situation, that would be awesome! Looking for all answers on this!


Rising Star

Hi kensleylewis,


While this is possible, my only real concern is if these documents you are scanning are bound or not and how many total pages will be in each book.  If they are not bound and can be inserted in the ADF, then yes, you can do this with your Canon software (MP Navigator EX). The other thing to keep in mind is that the ADF can only support about 30 pages at a time.  So if your PDF books are more than 30 pages, you will need to reload the ADF and perform a manual scan.


To perform a scan using the One-Click feature, follow these steps:


  1. Launch MP Navigator EX. 
  2. Click the One-Click button at the top of the window.
  3. Click the PDF icon.
  4. Select your settings.  In the Save Settings section, set your custom File Name prefix (a number will be added to the end of each subsequent scan you perform) and be sure the Save as type is set to PDF (Multiple Pages).

You may want to remove the check from Save to a Subfolder....  Also, once you confirm your settings, you can put a check in Start scanning by clicking the on-click button.  On each additional scan, you will only need to click the PDF button in step 3 and it will scan with these settings.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to Contact Us!


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I found your question is difficult for me.You said that you want to automatically save to PDF book after scanning, with the MX360 All In One Printer.Axtually, i only know the way to save pdf files using a pdf SDK.But i know there is a pdf online processing control,which can do any pdf issues,You can have a try,Hope to help you!
