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t2i screen is blank


I am having problems with a t2i.  All the functions of the camera are working fine except the screen is blank; the screen lights up but there is no image.  Anyone have any similar experiences?  I don't want to replace the screen if it isn't the cause of the problem. Thanks!



Yep -- and this is a fairly common question.


The "info" button on your camera toggles through a variety of choices as to what should be displayed on the rear LCD.  One of the choices is to just blank the screen completely.


Press the "Info" button until it displays what you want to see (it'll cycle through three or four different choices.)


Incidentally... it does the same thing in image review mode.  Pressing the "Info" button while reviewing shots you've previously taken will also change the information displayed about the shot.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Thanks for the reply, Tim, but this isn't the problem.  The screen lights up and goes dark like it should when you press the menu button, disp button, play button, or cover the light sensor; there is just no image.  Any other thoughts?



5D Mk II, t2i

Are you saying you see the glow of the backlight but the information does not display (for example... if you press the "menu" button, it does not display the menu?)



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Yes exactly!  I wasn't sure if these displays had backlights or some other form of lighting.  If they do have backlights, then it would seem like the screen is just bad, but if they don't then I'm not sure what the problem would be.  Tim, do you think the problem is just a bad LCD?



5D Mk II, t2i

It sounds like it may need service -- as if the display isn't getting any video signal.  There's no user-configurable setting that would cause the display to light up but have no image or information to display.


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da