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Fast camera recommendations for birding/action


Hi all,

I have some old cameras i was using for sports and they're fast for birds, but because they are old models i am thinking about to upgrade them to something new, so what are your recommendations for birding/wildlife and sports/action cameras?

The cameras are 1DX/1D3/30D.


I am still not doing birding or BIF at all, but i am willing to start this in my rest of life later, i only depends in cameras i use for sports so it is the same to be used for birding, 1DX was and still my workhorse until now, i know people used to use even slower camera than this in long time ago in the past such as D2 from Nikon or 1D mk1 and 1D2 and 20D and 30D and 7Dmk1, so whatever camera i upgrade to it will definitely do the job, but i have to choose which one rather than getting 2-3 and sell one later.

As for lenses, i was thinking that will be Phase/Stage 2 after buying the camera body, for now i have 70-200 mk2 as my latest lens i bought, it is still holding its performance strong, while for my vintage 300 2.8 mk1 it is time for new one, i don't know if i can go to something like 500-600 lenses, but i can get a zoom lens for that 500-600mm end, and i saw some new zoom models that are nice enough and can be affordable more over excellent primes, i dreamed in the past about 400mm f2.8 and 600mm f4, now the dream is gone forever, even if i sell my house i don't think i have to run to buy 400 and 600 and leave them for dust, also if i can make staged photography of birds then i can use manual optics, i have telescopes that can go to any focal length, even 2700mm, i have two telescopes that can be used like lenses, one with 540mm focal length and the other is 700mm native [f6 and f6.6], for birds in still they can be used, speed isn't important, only BIF i need AF magic, and i used manual through years with experience, with practice on some spots i can manage manual focus, my garden has a lot of trees brunches i can focus on, and with f6-f8 it will give enough DOF and BG isolation.


The point is, if i can't wait a big budget then my maximum budget i can spend for a body this year is around $2000-3000 maximum and only brand NEW, if i manage to sell my cameras i might increase it a bit to $4000-5000 but not sure, so i won't stress myself to have a very latest expensive bodies yet while i am not back into photography, this season sport photography is gone for me, but i will talk with them later so they can manage access for me to do next season, that will start in Sept-Oct, so i hope by that time i could have something upgraded, not necessarily everything, i have another hobby or interest to fund also.

R6 Mark II with the BG-R10 battery grip.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

Ok, i will try to look at enough images of sports and birds done by R6 Mark II if possible, if it is same as or even better than 1DX or R3 or R5 then i am sold.

Thank you very much


"... such as D2 from Nikon or 1D mk1 and 1D2 and 20D and 30D and 7Dmk1, ..."

Your own words prove you don't need the latest greatest. Believe it or not we even did birding and BIF well before even those oldies were on the drawing board.

"R6 Mark II with the BG-R10 battery grip."

This is a very good suggestion.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

I know that, but this is life, we keep going, i don't see people here using like iPhone 4 or 5 or even 8, and also old cars, so same with cameras, in fact i hated my 1D3 because of 1DX, i even sold my 1D2n because of 1DX, it was big difference, even from 1Ds2 to 1Ds3 was a difference, so i just can't stop now, i already didn't buy another fast camera since 1DX for over 10 years and A7R also my last camera i bought for photography, so i feel like i can upgrade now if possible but not as a must.

The prices of R7 and R6II are manageable, so i will think clearly about it, i wanted R7 because of the crop factor, i always crop my images from 1D3 and 1DX, and both has less mp, but it sounds that R7 has less votes here or in general, i saw more images from R5 or even RP than from R6 Mark II.


" i even sold my 1D2n because of 1DX, it was big difference, even from 1Ds2 to 1Ds3 was a difference, ..."

Well everyone believes what they want to believe. You must go with that to make your choices and decisions.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!


Yes indeed!
